Saturday, February 23, 2008


Alistair started Kids Gym at the YMCA 2 weeks ago in addition to his swimming. It is really fun. It's 45 minutes long and we sing songs and play games and there is a ton of soft-sided equipment for them to crawl and climb on, over and through. There are lots of different balls and such for them to play with as well. He seems to really enjoy it and so far the one day a week where we have swimming just before, he doesn't seem too tired for gym. I pulled his tunnel back out now that he is more into it from gym and we played in it quite a bit one day.
Alistair was taking my picture in the tunnel too.
Spaghetti night...need I say more?
Alistair likes wearing our glasses. I pulled out an older pair of my glasses for him to have, but he still insists on wearing our glasses. He has gotten quite adept at taking them off our faces with one foul swoop. He was wondering around our bedroom last Friday in the above state while we were trying to get packed to leave for the ocean.
We bought Alistair a couple of hooded toddler-sized towels a while back and he really likes them. For a while he would cuddle the lion one. He wanted to continue wearing his towel after his bath one evening. He looked so regal walking up and down the hallway with his robe dragging behind him on the floor! (:

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

First Camping Trip of the Year!

Well ok, it was yurting. But we were outside a majority of the day and sat around the campfire in fairly cold weather! Saturday didn't get too nice until the afternoon, but Sunday and Monday were gorgeous! The photo above is the sunset on Sunday night. We went out with both sets of parents. We had a great time. This was the first time since Alistair started walking that we have been out. There is a lot less sitting around with him wandering ALL OVER the place!

Alistair has the hang of the morning ritual: Breakfast cookie and some milk while sitting around the campfire! Mmmm, mmmm!
The rowdy crew before we left. Yes, Sadie is wearing a T-shirt. She had a cancerous tumor removed from her front right flank/shoulder and has a HUGE shaved spot and a 5 inch incision. We had to keep it covered so she didn't get her wound dirty. I think she felt foolish as did we for dressing our dog, even though people thought it was cute! ;)
Our little family portrait
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