Thursday, May 25, 2006

35 weeks, 5 pounds and 14 ounces!

Had another ultrasound this morning. He is growing just great, everything looks good. Mommy's body is starting to complain about the human growing inside now. We are trying to control the systems desires to freak out with medication and hopefully that will keep things in check. They have moved up a desired induction time frame from June 21 to June 7th or so. My doctor wants to get me to 37 weeks, if everything is fine, I can go longer if I desire...which I do! We will see. As always, we will keep you posted! In the meantime, here is a sneakpeak of his cute little chubby face!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Making Comments

So a little error when we set-up an account - we didn't change the setting to be anyone could post a comment, just those with an eblog account. We changed it! Feel free to add comments anytime you want! (:

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

32 weeks and 4 pounds, 8 ounces

We had another ultrasound yesterday. I know I am going to be disappointed with my second baby because I probably won't get to see him or her nearly as much as I get to see this first one. I was having ultrasounds every 3 weeks, now they want to see me every week for one!! We can virtually watch him grow!!

So everything looks good. He is growing very well and his size is perfect. Things are looking good all around.

There is talk of inducing me around week 38 or 39, but it is mostly talk right now. Once we know for sure, we will share that little tidbit!

We also had a care conference this week where we went in and had a tour of the NICU, where our son will go upon being born and they will get him stabilized and ready for transferring to Children's Hospital. The nurse even set-up a little doll with all the lines and tubes we can expect to see coming out of our son the day of his birth. It is nice to be prepared and know what to expect. We met with a neonatologist as well who gave us a little more insight into how things will work and what they will need to do to our son prior to his transfer. Lastly we met with another nurse/lactation consultant who went over a Care Plan with us for when we come to the hospital to give birth. This is something they put together to know how to care for me while I am laboring, similar to a birth plan. I let them know I have never stayed in a hospital, let alone really been in one for treatment. I also let them know that I have the hugest anxiety about having an epidural - more so than pushing out a 8 pound baby on my own! I also showed her my latest battle wound from my last blood draw and she put in a note about having the most talented phlebotomist on staff that day come in to insert any IV lines. My veins are tiny and role, I get really "pretty" bruises from my blood draws most of the time! (:

Lastly we had our first Labor and Birth class last night. It was very informative and eye opening. I think I can handle giving birth without drugs, given the right tools and techniques. The one downside to having an epidural is that I won't be able to get up to the NICU as quick to see our son as I won't have control of my lower body. I guess that gives me a real big goal to work towards while I am pushing through the pain.

Things to think about...time is a'tickin'!